A common goal needs a common language. The Sustainable Fashion Glossary takes an important step towards this goal. The glossary serves as an easy-to-use digital guide to sustainable fashion and provides information about the key issues and elements moving the fashion industry. The central element is a list of terms. “For the debate about how to make fashion more sustainable, our industry needs a shared language and a set of scientifically curated definitions we can all refer to,” says Wolfgang Blau, Global Chief Operating Officer and President, International, at Condé Nast.
The glossary, which is the product of a partnership with Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) at London College of Fashion, University of Arts London (UAL), is broken down into the four key themes “Climate emergency”, “Environmental impacts of fashion”, “Social, cultural and economic impacts of fashion” and “Key elements of fashion and sustainability”. Each category includes an introductory summary that provides an overview of the topic followed by an alphabetical list of relevant terms. A separate list comprising roughly 250 terms was developed through a collaboration between industry and academia and was reviewed by academics and sustainability researchers from around the world. The Sustainable Fashion Glossary includes data sources and will be added to and updated on an annual basis.
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Find more information here:
- Condé Nast (2020): “The Sustainable Fashion Glossary”