Greener, more energy-efficient, more circular: Back in December 2019, the European Union adopted a program for more environmental and climate protection within the EU, the Green Deal. With the recently published Action Plan 2030, the EU is now concretizing its plan in the textile industry: in the future, garments from the EU should mainly consist of recycled materials and, as far as possible, be kept in the cycle, i.e. be able to be recycled. Toxic chemicals and substances are to be prevented during production. Plastic was yesterday: The goal is to ban plastics completely from textile production in order to protect natural organisms from microplastics. This is because many items of clothing end up in the environment after disposal - in the sea or in landfills - leaving behind residues that remain in nature forever.
A study commissioned by the Dutch brand labfresh shows that in Germany alone, 391,752 tons of textile waste are produced every year . The number of garments produced is therefore to be drastically reduced by 2030. In addition, textile manufacturers are called upon to assume more responsibility: In the future, producers will not only have to ensure that their garments are manufactured in a fair and resource-friendly way, they will also be obliged to take care of environmentally friendly disposal.
Further information is available here
EU Green Deal: https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en